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ERP Therapy and more...
As someone who knows OCD like the back of my hand, I want you to know that you're not alone. I understand how challenging and distressing OCD can be, and I also know that things can get better. I am here to offer you effective treatment, and the space to process the trauma that goes with this condition.​
Common distressing OCD intrusive thoughts include:
Causing harm to yourself or your family intentionally or accidentally
Catching a disease or dying
Sexual intrusions about family members, children, pets or others
Being a bad person or doing something wrong
Thinking you don't love or care for your partner
Common things you might be doing to reduce your anxiety:
Seeking reassurance from loved ones or the internet
Avoiding situations that could trigger the thoughts
Washing yourself excessively if you feel "contaminated"
Replaying situations in your mind or "checking" for evidence
Going to police stations or to hospital to confess or be "locked away"
Counting, repeating phrases, rhymes or prayers
And many more.
You're not "WEIRD", or "CRAZY" or a "BAD PERSON". This is OCD.
OCD is one of the world's top 10 most debilitating health conditions, and it's so often mis-diagnosed, and misunderstood. It's not just washing hands or liking things neat and tidy. For most OCD sufferers, it takes a long while to find the right treatment path, and often people with OCD feel a lot of shame about their thoughts and compulsions, so won't seek help. Please know that I've heard everything OCD can say to people, and OCD does not shock me. I know OCD inside out. I know it's tricks, where it hides, and I can show you what to do to fight it and live a happier life again. Recovery IS possible.
With the gold standard treatment of ERP therapy, you and I will work together to overcome OCD, and I will be there with you every step of the way, providing emotional support and tailoring our treatment options to suit your unique needs. Let's take this journey towards recovery together.
ERP - Exposure Response Prevention
ERP, or Exposure and Response Prevention, is a therapeutic technique that can help manage OCD symptoms and even lead to full recovery. It involves gradually facing feared situations or triggers while learning to resist the urge to engage in compulsive behaviours.
It may sound scary, but when done right with the help of a trained professional, ERP has very high success rates. I follow the NHS recommended treatment program. Remember, you're not alone in this. There is support and help available to you.
Resources, and other support
IOCDF - The international OCD foundation is a great place to go for comprehensive information. It is a leader in the research and development into effective treatments, and has a wealth of information for sufferers and their families.
OCD UK is a national charity providing support, advocacy and information on OCD.
NOCD is a therapist website where you can get online therapy if you want to, but what I find really useful about this site is it's OCD articles and blog. Take a look!